Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Family Photo/Eternal Directory Fundraiser

Hello everyone out there in e-land.
I am very excited to be a part of Eternal's first mission trip. Coming very soon we are having a huge event to raise funds to build houses in Guatemala. Families and individuals who attend Eternal (you don't have to be a member) will be able to get portraits taken. These portraits will be available for purchase in digital form(CD), and in addition everyone's portraits will be combined to creat Eternal's very first Member Directory. I repeat "you do not have to be a member."
The only requirement is that you believe in what God can do for people through people. And we as regular people can come together to do unimaginable things for other people here in Fort Mill as well as around the world.
The Directory for Eternal will serve as an excellent tool for members and future members to be better served by Eternal and to better serve the commmunity through Eternal. You will be able to include some info about you and your family, and there will be pages devoted to introducing the leadership here at Eternal.
Please come and sign up to be included (no cost for the pictures) this sunday. Picture days are May 19, 20, 26, and 27. Those are Saturdays and Sundays.

And remember to pray for the team starting today until we safely return. We will need those prayers. We have a great mission before us.
God Bless, Have a Great Day,

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