Monday, April 16, 2007

6-1/2 houses!

Thank you to all who have donated to the "house" fund for the mission trip. Through these generous donations, we have raised enough funds for 6-1/2 houses! We are more than half way to our goal of 12 houses. Way to go everyone!


jimmy ( said...

holy cow. that's pretty amazing! how else can we non-goers play a part? it is impressive, and kind of humbling to me, to see God pour himself out for the sake of the Nations, as well as seeing him bless you all through this process.

one day... i'll go... one day.

Jeanne St. Germain said...

Hey Jimmy:

I just now read your comment. You asked "How can Non-goers participate with this mission trip?": Pray for our team now during the planning and fundraising as well as while we are on the trip. Pray that God will use our talents and gifts to touch the lives of folks in Guatemala.